Moonlight Tango

Born from the love of dancing and the desire to enrich the Tango community, Moonlight Tango is a not-for-profit association made of unpaid volunteers.

Moonlight Tango first event in January 2020 was a crowd-funded free milonga with live music by Mendoza Tango Quartet. With cooling summer breezes from the river over 200 music-lovers and dancers enjoyed the magical evening outside the stunning Gallery of Modern Art.
Through the pandemic, Moonlight Tango (MT) continued to curate exciting new tango experiences, including simultaneous live-streaming of Orchestra Romantica Milonguera from BA to Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth, and a weekend series of Musicality Masterclasses with maestros from Europe and Argentina.

The rebirth of milongas, saw MT host intimate and elegant milongas at C'est Bon Restaurant and Evita Restaurant. Offering free beginners classes with participating local teachers, MT seeks to grow the tango community and introduce the public to this inspiring art form.
In 2022 Moonlight Tango took the step to incorporate and become a not-for-profit association with a small, dedicated, volunteer team.
Moonlight Tango Inc.
Incorporation Number: IA4604844
ABN: 13861926511


In 2023 Moonlight Tango delivered their grandest event yet, an 8-days tango festival featuring more than 60 hours of entertainment, including more than 300 dancers from four different continents, great maestros from Argentina (Vanesa & Facundo), Italy (Gianpiero & Lorena), world champions Cynthia & Sebastian, and local Australian stars Nadim & Rina. All milongas are held in the stunning Ithaca Auditorium in Brisbane City Hall, with live music was played by internationally acclaimed Tango Bardo directly from Buenos Aires. All profits were donated to PD QLD.
Management Team
Korey Pagura ~ President
Korey is an accredited clinical social worker (AASW) and a registered Psychologist (Ass. MAPS) with over 20 years of experience working with families, couples and individuals. Korey has a had a long love affair with tango, being part of the original tango troupe in Brisbane in 1998. Korey's dedication to tango is limitless with regular trips interstate and overseas to dance. Korey's care for all around her brings a delicate calmness and clarity to the MT organisation.

Eve Edwards ~ Secretary
Alessandro Costa ~ Treasurer
A native of Sicily but a global traveller Alessandro has lived in Australia since 2018. He is a business analyst and financial manager, with expertise across banking, property development, and information & communication technology. With four languages at his disposal and an eye for design, Alessandro's creativity, marketing and communication skills are a huge benefit to MT. Alessandro began dancing tango in 2017, yet thanks to his dedication to learning and practice, he displays skilful creativity on the dancefloor. He also makes exceptional pizza!

Our vision is to grow the tango community through the curation of beautiful cultural events that focus on Argentine tango music and dance. Our business model is rather "special" as we do not work for profit. Our main event, the Moonlight Tango Festival is totally supported by volunteers working for free. Each member of the team purchases tickets to events like any other participant to the festival. We do so to allow the community to benefit from this event at the most convenient price and make sure that our interests do not diverge from the passion we have for our mission.
As a not-for-profit association we also donate our proceeds to specifically selected charities, such as Parkinson's QLD.
Our vision

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