Do you care about arts and culture? do you feel like making a mark and helping the community? Are you able to give more than you take? You might be a donor.
How come we are asking you to donate towards a ticketed event? Amongst Moonlight Tango's key core principles are (1) supporting artists and (2) bringing more people into the community. By donating, you are directly contributing to the many artists which will make MTWF23 an amazing event. You will also allow us to crate more "open" events and make the current ones more affordable for a larger audience.
Moonlight Tango Inc is a not-for-profit association managed by volunteers who donate their time and expertise towards creating and managing events which support artists and raise funds for Parkinson's QLD.
Your donation will make a huge difference!
Every dollar goes directly to paying artists, venues, and raising funds for Parkinson's QLD. How much are you giving? For every dollar you would spend on average for a comparable ticket you are giving us $1 as a donation.
What do you get as a Donor?
Tickets: you and a nominated friend will get access to all gala milongas and 1 featured milonga during the weekend 28-30 July for more than 23 hours of dancing.
Accessibility: no need for you and your friend to be a dancing couple (i.e. leader + follower) or wait till other tickets go on sale. Two followers or two leaders can get in right away.
Status: you will be acknowledged (unless you chose to remain anonymous) as a donor to the event in our wall of fame together with key sponsors such as Brisbane City Council and RACQ! Artists and other dancers will know how much your contribution helped shaping this wonderful event.
Feel good: you have just helped artists, fellow dancers, your friends at Moonlight Tango and the entire community! that must feel good.
Where is the program for MTWF23?
The official program, although still subject to change, will be announced in a few days (week of Nov. 15th). You are free to wait until then to make your contribution, but Donors' tickets are limited in number and available only until the end of February.
Your role as a donor goes beyond what you get out of it and really shows your support for all the efforts put into creating such a unique event for Brisbane and the tango community.
