If you have purchased a Super Early Bird, Early Bird or you will purchase a Night Owl pass then you are in for a treat and the below is included:
Friday 28 | Welcome Milonga (DJ Jose) + Tango Bardo Live + Performance G&L/N&R + food + tea/water/coffee + cash bar (18:00-23:00) | Brisbane City Hall Ithaca Room
Saturday 29 | Gala Milonga (DJ Jose) + Tango Bardo Live + Performance V&F/R&N + welcome drink + food + tea/water/coffee + cash bar (18:00 -23:00) | Brisbane City Hall Ithaca Room
Sunday 30 | Afternoon Milonga (DJ Alex) (14:00-18:00) | Brisbane City Hall Ithaca Room
Sunday 30 | AfterParty Milonga (DJ Jose) + Tango Bardo Live + food + tea/water/coffee + cash bar (18:00-23:00) | Brisbane City Hall Ithaca Room
There is much more to the Moonlight Tango Festival 2023 so also check the workshops and the other events.
If you haven't got a Gala Milonga pass then what?
Buy your ticket now: https://www.moonlighttango.org/event-info/moonlight-tango-winter-festival-2023-gala-milongas
